
Ireland is the 8th system to join


We are delighted to be participating in this summit as we share the same broad set of values in education as the other participating systems. ARC will provide us with a unique opportunity to engage in sustained formal and informal discussions with representatives of different education systems and with leading world experts in education on matters of priority to Ireland.

Ireland is committed to a system of education and training that enables each learner to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development. Our over-arching goal is to improve the quality of learning and teaching at all levels of the education and training sector and improve educational outcomes. Delivering real equality of opportunity through education is a clear priority.

Ensuring that students at all levels of the education system are experiencing positive educational outcomes and are being equipped with the necessary skills for successful participation in society is at the core of our education system.

Participation in ARC has the potential to make a significant positive impact on the learning of children and young people in Ireland and support a number of identified priorities for education in Ireland. It allows Ireland the opportunity for peer-review work to be taken forward across the participating systems on areas of common challenge.

We look forward to the opportunity to learn from other systems and the chance to highlight successful innovative practice with other countries.

The summit also provides a valuable opportunity for Ireland to collaborate and strengthen communication networks that can be called upon to advise and support future developments across educational systems to support the learning of all students.



Department of Education and Skills