The fourth ARC Summit will be held in Swansea/Cardiff, Wales in September 2019. Based on the feedback from the third Summit, we will share and produce specific practices regarding broad curriculum assessments and strategies for large-scale assessment that are closely aligned with ARC values.  The summit will explore the role of assessments in enhancing equity, inclusion and social justice while also addressing the purposes of accountability and public confidence.

Based on experiences in the systems, we will explore how effective assessment, including on a large-scale, can lead to better and deeper learning with minimal or no negative side effects. Questions to be explored will include:


  • In what ways can we assess outcomes and progress for equity, excellence, wellbeing, democracy, and human rights?


  • How do we create relevant data on broad curriculum outcomes?


  • How can we develop meaningful and credible large-scale assessments that avoid negative side effects on students, teachers, and schools?


  • How can technology assist in recording, portraying and promoting student progress in relation to ARC values?


Download programme here: Programme #ARCsummit19

Download press release from the summit here: ARC Press release Cardiff 16_09_2019