
In Wales we seek to keep raising standards for all, reduce the attainment gap and deliver an education system that is a source of national pride and public confidence. To achieve those high standards we are keen to continue learning from other nimble, innovative and bilingual systems, as we continue with our national mission of education reform.


We aim to provide future generations with the skills and knowledge they need to play a full and active role in their communities and wider society. Our learners should aspire to be the best. Therefore it is critical that we do everything we can to support them, setting high expectations, so that we achieve our ambitions for our citizens and for our country.


Equity and excellence must go hand in hand. Geography, deprivation or childhood experiences should not prevent pupils from reaching their potential.  Our teaching profession, with an emphasis on strong leadership and professional learning, will help deliver on the high expectations we all share for our learners, schools and education system.


Working together we are developing and delivering a transformational new curriculum, which will underpin all of our education reforms.  It focuses on higher standards of literacy and numeracy and ensuring our young people are more digitally and bilingually competent.


Read more about the ARC summit in Wales here

National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry: endorsements

The National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry (NSERE): vision document

Wales Minister’s NSERE Launch Speech